We will go to serve, help, feed, take care of a population of more than 100 students, who are in this school, a place with many needs. Dedicate two weeks of your time to serve and help the less fortunate. It will be a transforming experience.
Gulf States Conference - We will go to Caesarea to see the fortress of the Crusaders, to Galilee and the Mount of Beatitudes, place of the Sermon on the Mount, Tabgha, place of multiplication of the loaves and fishes and Capernaum where Jesus performed many miracles.
Join us on our tour to Turkey where we'll explore the rich history and culture of this beautiful country. From the ancient city of Troy to the famous churches of Revelation, our trip is packed with exciting activities and sights to see.
Join us on an inspiring journey through Europe to explore key landmarks of the Protestant Reformation, deepening your understanding and spiritual growth.
Join the Gulf States Conference on our tour to Turkey where we'll explore the rich history and culture of this beautiful country. From the ancient city of Troy to the famous churches of Revelation, our trip is packed with exciting activities and sights to see.
Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Join our immersive 10-day tour to China, where every day is a new chapter in history and culture waiting to be explored.